Your child wants to learn, so why is it such a struggle?

EyeCare Startup aims to give children the tools to succeed in learning.
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CEO Avner Engel explains the founding mission of Amplify EyeCare: to help children learn

Sruly's real challenge

By: Margalit Katz, Optometrist at Amplify EyeCare living in Yerushalayim

You’re trying to learn Gemara with your nine year old son Sruly on Shabbos and you notice he’s really struggling. He keeps skipping lines and words in the Gemara and he’s quickly getting tired of reading so he insists that you read instead. You encourage him to keep reading, until he starts complaining of headaches and closes his Gemara abruptly. His Rebbe recently called to tell you that Sruly is having a hard time keeping up with the level of learning in cheder and now you’re seeing him struggle with learning in the comfort of his own home with his father. You want to help Sruly succeed because you believe he can overcome these challenges and you know just how important his success in cheder is for both the future and the present. If a child is struggling with learning at a young age and is not receiving the proper care and treatment to help him, he can easily begin to resent the learning lifestyle chas v’Shalom. A talmid who cannot keep up with his peers in cheder can begin to disrupt his class, leading to a difficult derech in his future. We at Amplify EyeCare understand this and are trained and experienced in helping a child overcome these challenges to the point where they can enjoy learning. Your child’s future is important to us.

Why and how we support Torah learning?

Three frum men in Eretz Yisrael started Amplify EyeCare, by setting up various optometry clinics in the U.S. to enhance people’s quality of living and one of these is the Pediatric Center in Manhattan. CEO Avner Engel, living in Yerushalayim, has experienced first hand the astounding results after sending his son for vision therapy. As a father whose son’s learning abilities improved greatly due to vision therapy, Avner knows just how important it is to have access to this treatment in order to enable our children to thrive in their learning. We at Amplify EyeCare understand that for a Torah lifestyle, having the visual skills to be able to read and learn is crucial for the future trajectory of a child’s life. We offer vision therapy at our clinic, or the option to do vision therapy sessions, supervised by optometrists or licensed vision therapists, online in the comfort of your own home, without having to travel to our office. It is so important to us that everyone has access to vision therapy with a professional, no matter where you live.

Avner Engel

Co Founder & CEO

Josh Kanter, MBA

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Dr. Tzvi Gottesman

Chief Optometric Officer

Daniel Freed

Digital Marketing

Ilan Manoim

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Refael Bassel

Digital Marketing

One in five kids don’t have the visual skills required to read and/or learn at their grade level

Vision therapy can help solve that. Vision therapy treats issues with developmental vision which are all of the aspects of vision that regular optometrists and regular eye exams don’t check for. Vision therapy with a professional can change your child’s future and enable them to thrive in ways that didn’t seem possible before.

Please call today to schedule your consultation

Dr. Wernick and Dr. Pinkhasov will be with you every step of the way to improve your vision and learning abilities
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