Acuity and accommodation
result from an array response of the L (red), M
(green), and S (blue) cone photoreceptors and
the relative refractive focal depths of those
specific colors. A Dyop® (or dynamic optotype)
is a spinning segmented ring visual target which
uses the strobic detection of the spinning gaps/
segments of the ring to measure visual function.
Dyop gap/segment color/contrast permutations
have distinctive, and corresponding, acuity
endpoints. This study’s objective was to compare
the qualitative acuity responses of a specific
Dyop color/contrast combination to diagnosed
symptoms of dyslexia.
One hundred and eighty-eight patients,
ranging in age from 4 years to 44 years, were
examined as patients of the Stark-Griffin Dyslexia
Academy to compare their relative color/contrast
acuity endpoint perception of a spinning green-on-
white Dyop versus a spinning blue-on-black Dyop
and the possible diagnosis of types of dyslexia.
The Stark-Griffin Dyslexia Academy trains eye care
professionals as to how to diagnose and treat
patients with potential symptoms of dyslexia. The
patients were diagnosed as to their prevalent type
of dyslexia, if any, through the Stark-Griffin Dyslexia
Assessment. The patients were then presented
with, as part of the Chart2020 vision test platform,
a display which has an identical-diameter spinning
green-on-white Dyop and spinning blue-on-black
Dyop with sufficient arc width diameter such that
both Dyop rings were detected as spinning. Those
identically sized Dyop rings were then reduced
in arc width until spinning of each of the colored
rings was not detected. The smallest diameter
ring where spinning was detected for each of the
color/contrast combinations (corresponding to
the acuity endpoint metric value) was recorded as
the color acuity endpoint.
This preliminary evaluation of the
disparity of color perception versus diagnosed
symptoms of dyslexia showed a strong positive
association (~86%) between color perception and
diagnosed symptoms of dyslexia. The findings
suggest that symptoms presented by dyslexics
could be better understood or analyzed by their
color perception.