
Read more about Diabetic Retinopathy

There are nearly 8 million Americans who suffer from diabetic retinopathy, and that number is expected to double by 2050. However, many adults over 40 lack basic knowledge about the disease that could help save their sight. 

Don’t skip an annual dilated diabetic eye exam!

It's crucial for you to have an annual dilated fundus examination if you suffer from diabetes. There is also advanced technology for imaging and electroretinography to provide more information about your condition and enable earlier detection of changes. 

When you should go in for imaging and ERG if you have diabetic retinopathy really depends on the severity of your condition and our eye doctor's opinion. 

The Importance of Dilated Fundus Examination for Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy

If you have diabetes, it is crucial to have a dilated fundus examination at least once per year. During this exam, our optometrist will assess your eyes to make sure there are no diabetic changes happening to the back part of your eye. They will look for any sort of leakage, blood vessel changes, swelling, or other changes associated with diabetes. This exam is essential for early detection of diabetic retinopathy and ensuring timely treatment.

The Role of Imaging in Diabetic Retinopathy Detection

Apart from the dilated fundus examination, there are different imaging tests that our optometrist may perform. One such test is optical coherence tomography (OCT). This test gives information about the different layers of your retina and images that give information about your macula, checking for any sort of edema or swelling. Imaging tests help in identifying any changes in the eyes before they become visible to the patient, allowing for early detection and prevention of vision loss.

ERG Testing for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection

Another test that may be performed is ERG testing. This is a handheld device that gives information about the function of your retina. Your retina is the back part of your eye that responds to light when it enters the eye. The ERG device detects both the strength and the speed of the electrical response generated by your retina. Should there be any sort of stress associated with diabetes, this report is going to then flag for any sort of abnormalities and compare it to a standard population of an age group similar to yours, helping in early detection of diabetic retinopathy and earlier detection of changes to cellular health. By using an ERG in your diabetic care our eye doctor can identify cellular stress before permanent damage has been done and relay that to your GP so that your treatment plan can be updated. 

Frequency of Testing for Diabetic Retinopathy

The frequency of imaging and ERG testing depends on the severity of your diabetic retinopathy. For mild cases, you may need to see our optometrist once a year or once every six months. For more severe cases, we may recommend seeing you every two to three months. If you have any sort of swelling or edema, we may refer you to a specialist for urgent treatment. Regular checkups are crucial in managing diabetic retinopathy and preventing vision loss.

Schedule A Comprehensive Eye Exam For Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy

If you have diabetes, don't wait until you notice changes in your vision to visit our optometrist. Regular imaging or ERG testing are crucial for the early detection and treatment of diabetic retinopathy and complications due to diabetes. Book an appointment with your optometrist today to undergo a thorough and comprehensive eye examination. By taking control of your eye health, you can prevent vision loss and ensure that your eyes remain healthy for years to come.

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