
Read more about Dry Eye After LASIK

LASIK is an eye surgery that has helped many people correct their refractive error and improve their vision. The LASIK procedure involves the use of a special type of cutting laser to reshape the front curvature of the eye. While LASIK has several benefits, it can also cause some side effects, including dry eyes. In this blog, we will discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for dry eyes after LASIK.

According to research published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology, postoperative dry eye affects approximately 50% of patients at 1 week postoperatively, 40% at 1 month, and 20% to 40% at 6 months.

Dry Eye After LASIK: Understanding the Causes

LASIK involves the use of a special cutting laser that changes the front curvature of your eye to improve vision. 

This process can: 

  • Affect some nerves present on the front part of your eye, reducing the signal to the brain that the eyes are feeling dry
  • Alter the ocular surface environment and induce tear film instability.
  • Reduce the production of tears, leading to dry eyes.
  • The LASIK flap creation process can also lead to decreased tear production

Symptoms of Dry Eye After LASIK

Dry eyes after LASIK can cause various symptoms that can affect your vision and overall eye comfort. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Burning sensation: You may experience a burning or stinging sensation in your eyes.
  • Irritation: Your eyes may feel scratchy or itchy.
  • Fluctuating vision: You may notice that your vision goes in and out of focus, especially after blinking.
  • Excessive tearing: Sometimes, the eyes may produce more tears to compensate for the dryness, leading to excessive tearing.

Say Goodbye to Dry Eye Symptoms After LASIK: Options for Effective Treatment

If you are experiencing symptoms of dry eyes after your LASIK procedure, it is essential to consult our eye doctor for a thorough dry eye evaluation. Our doctor may suggest several treatment options to relieve and treat your symptoms, including:

  • Preservative-free artificial tears: Artificial tears can help lubricate the eyes and provide relief from dryness.
  • Prescription eyedrops: We may prescribe specific eyedrops that can help resolve your symptoms of dry eyes.
  • Ointments: Your doctor may prescribe ointments that can help keep the eyes lubricated.
  • Punctal plugs: Punctal plugs are tiny devices that are placed in the tear ducts to keep the tears from draining away too quickly.
  • Omega-three supplements: Omega-three fatty acids have been shown to have a beneficial effect on dry eye symptoms and may be recommended by your doctor.
  • Ocular steroids to stabilize the inflammation 
  • Heating and expression of meibomian glands 
  • Amniotic membranes to induce regeneration of the ocular surface cells and promote healing 
  • Scleral lenses to improve symptoms and visual outcomes 
  • IPL light therapy to reduce inflammation
  • Low Level Light Therapy to promote healing

Schedule An Eye Exam For Dry Eye

As many as 60% of LASIK patients report dry eye symptoms within one month post-surgery. Dry eye symptoms usually peak in the first few months and then improve for the majority of patients between 6 to 12 months after the procedure.

If you have recently undergone LASIK and are experiencing symptoms of dry eyes, don't wait to seek treatment. Book an appointment with an Amplify EyeCare doctor today and get relief from your dry eyes.

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