It is very important to get a low vision examination done with a low vision optometrist since part of that examination is to learn about copying with low vision. But what most people don’t realize is that it is not just important for the patient, but also for the patients children, spouse, and caregivers. Most of the patients and their family members that come in do not really understand what's going on and how it impacts their day-to-day activities.
It is possible that a patient may be managed by a retina specialist (or other Ophthalmologist depending on the cause of vision loss), and they may receive injections on a monthly or bi-monthly basis but their family members don't really understand why their loved one can't do certain things at home or how to best support their loved one who has vision loss. For example, a family member or caregiver may not understand why the person with vision loss can pick up something small from the carpet, but yet, they can't see other things that should be obvious to them. By going with their family member to the low vision appointment with Dr. McBryar, they can have a better understanding of the type of vision loss and the impact of that vision loss on their loved ones' day to day activities.
In a low vision exam, much of the time is spent explaining what is going on to the patient and their family so that the family and the patient will be able to cope better with their vision loss. Whenever a patient experiences vision loss, both initially and with progressive conditions, they will go through a grieving period. Their family members need to support them during this grieving period and get them through it. Part of that is having an understanding of it and being able to talk about it with them and understand what they are going through. Dr. McBryar will also discuss other resources that are available and recommend additional therapies based on the discussions with the low vision patient and their family members. In some cases a licensed therapist specializing in adjustment counseling might be needed, so that they could specifically talk to them about adjusting to vision loss. Often times Dr. McBryar will also recommend a low vision occupational therapist to aid the person with vision loss with activities of daily living and adjustments to their living environment.