In the United States, approximately 12 million people over the age of 40 have vision impairment. In the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area there are an estimated 680 thousand people with low vision.
A Low vision optometrist is a specialist that works in conjunction with a retinal specialist or Ophthalmologist to help people with vision loss of any kind by helping them achieve the most with their remaining vision. The low vision optometrist will identify the patient's visual goals, then work with the patient and their loved ones to find solutions to enable the best possible vision and accomplishment of those visual goals. .
There are many types of eye disease and medical conditions that cause this condition. They include the following:
The low vision optometrist can assist a patient in obtaining the right guidance, understanding, and resources or other measures they need in order to achieve their visual goals. Low vision optometrists definitely work towards task-oriented goals. Specialized glasses, handheld magnification, tinted lenses, prisms, and high tech devices can provide better vision for many patients. A low vision optometrist not only helps find the best devices to improve vision but also guides the patient and shares resources to enable the most productive life after vision loss.
Some of the devices that a low vision optometrist may recommend include: