
Read more about BlephEx for Blepharitis

According to a survey of ophthalmologists and optometrists in the US, 37% to 47% of the patients surveyed had signs of blepharitis.

Before we discuss how to treat blepharitis, let's define what it is. Before we discuss how to treat blepharitis, let's define what it is. Blepharitis is a chronic condition that causes eyelid inflammation. It is normal for your eyelashes to contain a small amount of bacteria, but when the amount of bacteria increases, that can result in eyelid inflammation and toxins building up, resulting in blepharitis.

What are the common symptoms of blepharitis?

This can result in various symptoms such as:

  • Dry eyes
  • Irritation
  • A foreign body sensation
  • Crusting
  • Redness
  • Tearing

It affects your tear glands and decreases tear production. This is why you may experience symptoms of dry eyes.

What are the different treatment options for blepharitis?

  • Lid scrubs - To start, you must make sure that your lids are clean and hygienic. It's important to clean your lashes, and there are several lip scrubs available for you to do that. OCuSOFT lid scrubs are one of the most popular ones.
  • BlephEx - Another treatment option is to use a blephEx machine. Basically, it is a micro sponge that is used to clean and exfoliate the eyelids to try to improve your tear quality and production.
  • Antibiotic ointment - If the blepharitis is severe enough, the eye doctor may also prescribe antibiotic ointment or eye drops to help treat the bacterial infection or they may prescribe you a steroid eye drop or ointment that reduces inflammation.
  • Dry eye medications - You may be prescribed restasis or xiidra by your eye doctor if you suffer from severe dry eyes caused by blepharitis; these prescription medications control the inflammation associated with dry eyes.

Treating an underlying condition

Blepharitis may also be caused by an underlying condition such as seborrheic dermatitis or rosacea. In that case, your eye doctor will treat the underlying condition causing the blepharitis. No matter what the case may be, it's important to visit your eye doctor so they can diagnose, manage, and then treat your issue accurately.

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